Kdlandscaperecycling@gmail.com | 2000 Prairie Drive, Medina, MN 55340
KD & Company Recycling, Inc.
CALL US TODAY! 763-478-9522
You May Pick-up at Our Facilities Or We Will Deliver To You!
Serving The Twin Cities Metro And Surrounding Areas


Customer Credit Application

The undersigned hereby applies to an open credit account with KD & Company Recycling, Inc. The following is for the exclusive use of KD Landscape Supply & Recycling and will be kept confidential. Please fill out below or Click the download button to fax to 763-478-2329 or email to KDLandscaping@gmail.com.


Sole Propiertorship

The undersigned hereby certifies that he/she has completed the application or read the application as completed and that all statements contained in the application are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge. KD & Company Recycling, Inc is authorized to investigate and check credit standing and history of the above named firm or individual and those having possession of credit records are authorized to deliver to deliver to KD & Company Recycling, Inc, in extending credit are relaying upon the forgoing application and financial information.

All credit extended in accordance with this application shall be on the basis of repayment of all sums due no later than the 10th of the following month of invoice.  All amounts not paid when due shall be subject to a finance charge of 2% per month on the unpaid balance.  The undersigned agrees to reimburse KD & Company Recycling, Inc for the cost of collection: including court costs, lien fees & reasonable attorney's fees, whether or not legal action is commenced.

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