Kdlandscaperecycling@gmail.com | 2000 Prairie Drive, Medina, MN 55340
KD & Company Recycling, Inc.
CALL US TODAY! 763-478-9522
You May Pick-up at Our Facilities Or We Will Deliver To You!
Serving The Twin Cities Metro And Surrounding Areas


Clay Fill & Sand In the Twin Cities Metro and Surrounding Areas

Clay Fill dirt is a local clay dirt that may have roots, rocks, debris and clumps. Used for back filling holes, building roads and foundations. Clay Fill dirt with clay is known for it's high compaction rate, which means it can packed tightly to create a solid and stable base.

KD & Company Recycling, Inc offers four types of sand . Course washed (concrete) sand, mason sand (volleyball/beach), granite sand and fill sand. All are available for bulk delivery to your yard. We are able to offer advice and recommendations, to ensure that your product is completed with the best available products.

Pricing per ton - $42 minimum order
Clay Fill - Landscape Equipment and Supplies in Twin Cities, MN
Clay Fill (compactable)


Coarse Washed Sand - Landscape Equipment and Supplies in Twin Cities, MN
Coarse Washed Sand


Coarse Washed Sand - Landscape Equipment and Supplies in Twin Cities, MN
Granite Washed Sand (#4 - #200


Coarse Washed Sand - Landscape Equipment and Supplies in Twin Cities, MN

Mason Sand


Prices subject to change without notice. Products subject to availability, Minimum Charge of $42.00 per day for products + tax

Availability of some products may be limited at any given time. All descriptions are the opinion of one party and are approximations. No guarantee of size, color or other can be made. KD & Co Recycling Inc. recommends that customers physically look at materials before ordering. 

Your choice of fill dirt and sand

Our grades of fill dirt and sand give you the widest choice to ensure that you are able to choose the correct product, for the job you need to complete.

Clay fill, compactable clay fill and coarse washed sand are available for bulk delivery to your project, from KD & Company Recycling, Inc. We are able to offer advice and recommendations, to ensure that your project is completed with the best available products at the best available price.

Call us today for your fill dirt and sand requirements

Call us today for a quote at 763-478-9522, or contact us by email Kdlandscaperecycling@gmail.com

Piling Of Sand — Recycling Services in Medina, MN
Red Tractor — Recycling Services in Medina, MN
Cleaning Sand — Recycling Services in Medina, MN
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